Do You Trust This Computer

How we can help technology be good

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly gone from being a part of sci-fi books to being part of the present. Echoed by many people, entrepreneur Elon Musk has a rather gloomy outlook on AI’s future. In April, he sponsored the free streaming of a documentary dedicated to Stephen Hawking, who had warned that humanity might be jeopardized by its pursuit of a superintelligent AI. In the documentary, Musk alerted viewers that we need to assimilate machine
learning before mankind gets overtaken by it. 

However, according to David Webster, who looks into ways to humanize technology at the design and consulting firm IDEO, all new technologies  have as much potential to have negative impact as positive. Which way they eventually go is really about the path that we put them on. Webster further pointed out some straightforward things that we can do to make sure that technology brings out the best in us:

1. Start with people. Rather than audaciously scaling the new solution, it is always worthwhile to take a moment and find out what matters to the people that the innovation is intended for. 

2. Be wrong early. Innovators need to put a reality check on their visions as early as possible so that there are no surprises later on.

3. Get out of the bubble. The collaboration among like-minded people may lead to blind spots, so it is important to seek diverse perspectives and critique as ideas are being developed.

Also Watch: TEDxGlasgow: How we can help technology to be good

Source: Do You Trust This Computer | Image: Laura Pittaccio



Art Basel


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